Horse riding should be a fun and exciting pastime, especially for beginners. It is not only physically challenging but mentally too, and you are guaranteed to have an amazing time. Once you start, you will no doubt have the will to keep learning and constantly find new ways to improve your riding skills. Getting on the horses back and knowing how to give the right commands, are only the basics when it comes to starting out. You also need to think about safety and your choice of clothing is very important, especially your footwear. Sturdy boots are highly recommended, along with long trousers to avoid harsh friction burns against the saddle, as riding takes a lot of balancing skills and gripping tightly with your legs. Beginners should also make sure that a certified helmet is worn too. An important factor to remember when starting out is to always find a good riding school.
Pony Trekking And Hacks
It is always best to start learning inside an arena and only go pony trekking when you are more experienced, or if it is well supervised. You do not want to be like the horse-riding teen who was refused service at Starbucks when she appeared on horseback at the drive-thru for a coffee! Arenas can be either inside or outside; usually depending on the weather. However, you are guaranteed a safe and controlled environment. Hacking for beginners usually lasts up to one hour and helps with confidence while on the horse or pony. The difference between hacking and trekking mainly depends on the riders experience. Trekking is for anybody, as the horse already knows its way and follows the lead. Hacking is for riders who have at least some basic experience on how to sit well and give basic commands, as the hacking horses rely on the instruction from the rider. Lead rein hacks are popular with families or groups, as you can also be inexperienced. You will have someone walking beside the horse holding its rein, and the horse will follow their command and not that of the rider.
Arena Events For Starters
Arena events for experienced riders usually consist of competitions between the riders for show jumping, dressage and cross-country. For beginners, there are test ride days, mainly on the weekends, where you can have one hour riding a horse or pony in an arena. These events also include showing you how to groom a horse too. Many clubs are there to specialise in helping the rider improve their confidence while enjoying themselves at the same time. Whether you need preparing for your first dressage or jumping test, or even aiming for a competition, the arena is the perfect place to start. Across the country, there are regular arena events held, even if you just want to be a spectator until you find the confidence to give it a go yourself. Horseriding is great fun to watch, but as many of these events are outdoors, you should be sure to have your raincoats ready for those outside weekend events. Then when you are ready, you can get in the saddle yourself!